Sunday, November 25, 2012

Russian Deviled Eggs

Russian deviled eggs.  What a name.  This is, of course, finger food.  It's also a whimsical little play on classic deviled eggs.  But the name, and what it implies, adds a whole new dimension, a new appeal, and a elegance.  Deviled eggs?  Good, classic, always a crowd pleaser!  Russian eggs?  Intriguing, something new, something different.

What makes them Russian?  Easy, it's the addition of stereotypical 'Russian' foods.  Cured and smoked fish, caviar, sour cream and dill.  And, of course, all these ingredients match perfectly with each other.  Stuff them into a deviled egg mix:  something wonderful emerges.

As this is a 'Chef's' blog, my two cents on enhancing the elegance and refinement of the dish:  Make the filling per the recipe below, and stuff the filling in a piping bag (cake decorating bag).  Fit the bag with a star tip, and carefully pipe the filling back into the egg.  Garnish the egg carefully, being sure to keep it simple and elegant.

Russian Eggs

Prep time: 1 hour minutes
Yield: 24 each 1/2 eggs


12 extra large organic eggs, hard boiled and peeled
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tsp paprika
juice of 1 lemon
kosher salt
ground black pepper
1/4 bunch fresh dill, with a few fronds reserved, medium chop
1/4 lb smoked salmon (as little salt as possible) Scottish locks is best, chopped
1 oz inexpensive domestic caviar


Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out the yolks.  Gently wash the inside of the eggs and place them cut side down over paper towel, to let drain and dry.  Keep cold.

Put the yolks in a mixing bowl with the mayonnaise, sour cream, dijon mustard, lemon juice, paprika, chopped dill and a little salt and pepper.  Remember the salmon and caviar are both salty, so initially under-seasoning is a good idea.   Mix with a whisk until smooth.  Add the salmon and mix.  The salmon will add a little extra salt.  Taste and re-season if necessary.

Place the mix in a piping bag fitting with a small star tip.  Pipe the mix back into the egg white until generously fill.  The filling should clear the top of the egg by about 1/4 inch.  Carefully garnish each egg with a touch of caviar and a tiny frond of dill.

Serve within a few hours.


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