Sunday, May 5, 2013

A very Mexican Steak Marinade

As it is 5 de Mayo, I thought it might be appropriate to post this short blog.  It might have been even more appropriate to have posted this yesterday, but today is 5 de Mayo.  So why not?  it doesn't need to be 5 de Mayo to make excellent carne asada.  Plus, it's quick and easy, no hard-to-get ingredients, no elaborate preparations.  Nothing fancy, just big flavor.

Not all Mexicans believe in this marinade, just like not all Americans pour Italian dressing over steak tips prior to grilling.  But some do.  And those that do love it.  I think this has amazing flavor.  It might be a little unexpected, and you might doubt its legitimacy, but I assure you, right now in my fridge, I have carne asada marinading in the following mix:

Mexican Steak Marinade

Prep time:  1 minutes
Inactive Cook time:  Minimum 4 hours, over night is preferred
Yield:  4 portions


2 lbs thin cut carne asada (skirt steak, sirloin flap or flank steak)
1/2 bunch cilantro
1/2 red onion, thin sliced
1 bottle sunny delight


Mix everything together and work into the meat.  Seal in a ziplock bag.

When ready to grill, gently pat the meat dry, salt liberally with kosher salt and grill over high heat.


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